
Will Work for Carrots | By Laurigami

by - March 14, 2019

Hello everyone,

You will have seen that Paper Nest Dolls Stamps are on sale in the shop. As you know I love them. 

I am a designer on the PND team for Christine since February 2016. I am delight that Christine and Suha are now working together, they are both great.

So here is my card made with the stamp "Will Work for Carrots" you find it in the shop here.

I used my copic pens to colour.

I added a little basket to pick up the Easter eggs.

I hope you like.

Hugs Laurigami

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  1. Such fun projects, love the designs, the vibrant colours and the adorable image and the fun sentiment x.


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D