
Winter Mini Album Using Laserowe Paper | By Sabrina

by - December 19, 2018

Hello my friends,  today I have chosen to show you the structure of my December Daily, made with the magnificent Laserowe Love paper Winter Fun Complete collection

I love making mini albums and I love these fabulous cards ... they make Christmas cheerful, sweet, warm and witty!

To make the DD I have cut a cardboard 15x15cm plus 2 pieces 5x15cm and a strip 4x15cm and I put around the edges the glittered washi gold ... bottom issue, it is Christmas LOL!

I then covered both the inside and the outside with  Winter Fun Complete collection

For internal pages I used the whole card kit taking care to measure all the pages

In order to give thickness and make sure that the closure does not fail, I created some side wings.
I used to decorate the exterior of my December Daily

I left a considerable space both between the internal pages and the outer edge of my DD for the various decorations that I will enter ... it will be a very full-bodied DD LOL!

I show you the whole structure and I will make a video on Boxing Day, 26 December 2018, to show you the complete album of all the photos and decorations, what do you think?

It is the last post for this season, we will be back in the new year. But we still jump in between because during the holiday we are also sneaking to our craft rooms armed with cookies, drinks and screw diet plans! 

With this post I wish you a Happy and Merry Christmas, warmed by the warmth of your loved ones!


xoxo Sabrina 

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  1. so special i love it i look forward to seeing more x happy holidays xx


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