
Sponsoring Challenge Blogs

by - November 27, 2016

Hello everyone,

I have exciting news about new sponsorship to a number of beautiful challenge blogs throughout 2017. Get challenged, upload your beautiful work and WIN! I am very happy to sponsor the following blogs throughout the year and nearly every month.

Check out the blogs here:

Allsorts is weekly challenge blog posted every Saturday with worthy prizes sponsored by great companies and shops. It's my pleasure to stand by them and sponsor Allsorts. Click on the image to visit their blog.
Penny Black challenge blog, a great monthly prize is made. Thank you Penny Black for letting us sponsor our shops. Besides that you get a chance to become a guest designer if you use Penny Black or stickeroo products. Worth looking into and participating. Click on the image to visit their blog.

As for Stamping Sensations, there is a monthly challenge. It is well prized and worth it. Click on the image to visit their blog. 

I will be posting each time a challenge I sponsor starts and I will also post the winner and the prize when the winner claims it.

You will find those blogs on the side of SHC blog at anytime you wish to access them.

Swedish House Crafts will continue sponsoring good faith blogs and wish you all great crafting.

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