
20% off store wide but be quick and we sponsor CREATIVE CRAFTING UNCLES - with new challenge Sport

by - February 15, 2020

As you know Swedish House Crafts is sponsoring a new challenge called Creative Crafting Uncles.
Check back here on 1 March when we will be revealing who won Crafting Uncle of the month for January and theme of Cars.

Now onto the new challenge which begins today - Sport. You could use Paper Nest Doll Brave Princess for Archery!

There will be a £10 store credit for Swedish House Crafts for the winner of the challenge each month.

20% off storewide Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
All orders shipped by Monday morning
Code: valentine2020
Happy Crafting

Swedish House Crafts is pleased to announce the wholesaler and retailer for Paper Nest Dolls in UK and Europe. For wholesale enquiries, please visit: If you have any questions please contact:

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