
Winner of the December Facebook Challenge and new theme for January

by - January 02, 2019

We have a winner for the Swedish House Crafts December 2018 Facebook Challenge and it is..........

Craft Bucket 
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We think this card would look great using the Gummiapan Santa heads from Swedish House Crafts too! Did you know they now come in three sizes? Super cute small santa heads with matching dies!

Or what about creating a card for any time of the year using some of the Magnolia mini world stamps like these ones........ 

Remember you have to be in the Swedish House Crafts Facebook Group to join in the challenge. But you can use any products. The prize is £25 store credit with 25p credit for everyone who uses a product sold by Swedish House Crafts.

The theme for January is New Beginnings.

Happy Crafting Swedish House Crafts.

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