
No Lines Okay Tilda by Becky

by - May 29, 2017

Hello everyone, it's my turn again to host the blog today, and this time I have a card made with Tilda coloured with no lines.

I have stamped her with cloud blue ink, and then coloured her in to match the Vintage Spring Basics papers by Maja.

Most of the flowers are from my stash, the curly rose with it's tendril is in the middle.

The doily was a free gift from Suha, but watch this space as they might become available in the shop soon.

Thank you so much for popping by, sorry it is so short and sweet but I made and posted this before I went on my jollies, and as you are reading this I am sunning myself in the Greek sunshine.



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  1. Absolutely gorgeous card Becky, and the no lines technique looks amazing!
    Hugs, Donna x

  2. Beautiful card, Becky! Have a great holiday! :o)

  3. This card is ohh so precious and I love your coloring!


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