
Celebration with Gummiapan and Doohickeys | By Becky

by - April 09, 2018

Good morning everyone, Becky here with you today, hope you are all well. Recently we have had so much rain in the UK, so here hoping the saying April Showers bring forth May Flowers is correct. I do love this time of year though, all of the new flowers starting to peek through, and knowing that summer is on it's way.

This is one of the newest Tilda's, and she hasn't got a name yet, she is from the add on Doohickey Volume 18 kit, and I thought she was perfect for this time of year! I have used my DI's to colour her in and match the Maja Design papers. I have used a Gummiapan Stitched Nesting die to cut Tilda out. As always there is a list at the end of the post with links direct to the products in Suha's shop.

I love this Sakura Branch, and how you can add as many flowers as you want, I have used papers from Maja Designs monochromes as they match the papers perfectly.

Along with the two tags behind the image, this vase is from the Volume 18 Doohickey magazine, and I have added a lilac to it, and lots of sparkle. Also tucked behind the image is a hens net die from Gummiapan.

Some of the flowers that Suha stocks.

My 'Arty' shot :)

Links to Products I used:
Magnolia Sakura Branch Die
Gummiapan Nesting Stitched Rectangles
Magnolia Lilac Die
Maja Design Celebration 6x6 Paper Pad
Maja Design Celebration 12x12 (flower strip)
Maja Design MonochromesGummiapan Hen's Nest die
Magnolia Doohickey Volume 19 - Preorder

Thank you for popping by,
Becky xx

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