
Celebrate 3 years of Swedish House Crafts and Winner of October Challenge

by - November 01, 2019

Hi friends,

This is Suha here, before we continue with this month, I have something to say to all my people.

Can you believe it?! it is just like yesterday! I am thrilled and happy that we are on our third year. We've been into a lot. Good and hard times but we've been through it all and much more is coming, trust me, I'll never stop. It is not about the store, it is about me trying to say, that I will continue building SHC. I've always had so many ideas, plans and projects, but I don't like we only have 24h a day, we must do more fun stuff. I apologise I can't, time and health have been my enemy lately. I had surgery, still recovering, but made me go even slower. Even I am following all instructions literally, still I need few more weeks to recover. But that is not the important thing here now.

Looking back that last 3 years, I had been standing in a tough market, but we all know it is you who made me handle the hard bits. All my design team, those who were on my design team and those who will be in the future are my mirror and right hand, all my customers are my building stones. It is very rewarding for me when an email I receive with a nice word, even if I messed up an order, I find my customers supporting me instead which is make me ashamed saying you are my customer, you have become my friends. I know you all! This because SHC is not just a store, it is a crafty experience, our purpose is happy crafting, to enjoy our time doing something we share our passion for and not only place an order and receive an order. I have been busy building around the store, trying to make everyone happy, until I forgot about myself and forgot that I am also a crafter before being a business owner. I look at all your projects on Facebook, and I recognise names and I feel so happy that my store has been part of your crafting table. That is my reward.

We've done a lot! Let me remind you what we did:

November was the start. By end of November we started 3 blog sponsorships and they supported me dramatically until today.

August Swedish House Crafts was on Hochanda. Also started publishing in magazines.

Awarded top 50 UK Craft Blog and we are still in the top 50 until today.

What a year! First, we saved Magnolia-licious, building a new store in USA and we are one of top 5 Online Store in UK when Craft Business Awards nominated us for Best E-Tailer Category! All we need is more votes to win, we deserve it.

So you see, that is a lot for a little store like SHC. What can I say? it is all because everyone around me has been amazingly loyal, happy, supportive and I enjoy every moment with everyone! your little messenger chats, your posts in the group, every new page like, every new customer opens an account in the store even if they don't place an order, that is very rewarding.

Thank you all for all the spoils, you are my crafty world.

Hugs xx

Suha Hazboun



If you know us by now, you knew that we are most of the time pioneers with fancy ideas. This is not stopping here. This is our special month. So we're going a bit crazy and we'd like to do something that no one has ever done before, ok probably someone I am not aware of done it, but we do it differently.

1. Expect HIM. I'll tell you in another post in few days. We're sponsoring our men 😉and we're crazy excited about it.
2. Expect a big surprise in USA.
3. Expect surprise posts.
4. Expect gifts falling in your envelopes.


Not telling you what it is until 30 November 2019 when I post it in a blog post here. Go post a make of yours in any of the following groups use hashtag: 



You can post and hashtag as many times as you like with any amount of posts you make. Trust me, you don't want to miss this game.


Before we go you need to know who won the October challenge right? Well it was...........

Congratulations! to

Bianca Van Tilburg

Bianca, please email to claim your prize


In celebration of our #shc3yrs our challenge theme this month is Thankful/Thanksgiving. You can enter as always at our Facebook Group here.


Some store items that show thankfulness.........

Pancakes! always thankful for pancakes lol! with this limited edition Breakfast Tilda - remember once she is gone, she is gone!

Lovely Emojis - Cause I Love You Tilda
Recipe Card - Have Dinner With Me Tilda

Papers to complement the thankful season - you need papers right? Summer Falls into Autumn from Pion

Happy Crafting from Swedish House Crafts

Swedish House Crafts is pleased to announce the wholesaler and retailer for Paper Nest Dolls in UK and Europe. For wholesale enquiries, please visit: If you have any questions please contact:

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  1. Hmmmm, was sure I commented here.... Congrats on 3years. It's has been and continues to be a fun adventure with you Suha. Hugz


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D