
Maja Christmas carton! | By Lou

by - November 27, 2018

Good Morning everyone!

It's Lou in for you today and I have been having some fun making little bits to put on our table for Christmas day. The Gummiapan Milk Carton die was just perfect for this!! they would be so wonderful to make a little advent calendar with too!!

I used the stunning new Christmas Season papers from Maja Designs to die cut my little carton and the little tag is from the Magnolia Doo Hickey club 20 magazine.

I even covered my mini bulldog clip with a little scrap that was left over too! I love how it all co-ordinates!!

There is a super amount of size to tuck in some little treats like sweets or even a Lego man if you have a Lego obsessed child like me!! he he!!! 

Links to Products I used:
Magnolia Doo Hickey club 20 Tag die.
Gummiapan Milk carton die.

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  1. Such a fun and creative idea and super cute....Yay to lego man too x.

  2. I have this die. Need to give it a go. Hugz


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