
Tailor Tilda | By Lou

by - November 03, 2018

Hello everyone, it's Lou in with a post for you today.

I had such a wonderful time pootling along with this little card and one of my favourite things from Magnolia stamps....their mini world stamps!! Oh, I just love them because you can fit so much fun into makes with the using your old and trusted Magnolia DooHickey dies. I used the Dream Tags die ( sadly out of stock in the shop) to pop the super sweet little Tailor Tilda on.

Let's take a closer peek at her with her little sewing machine!! awwww!!!

The card shape is made using the Magnolia DooHickeys Recipe card die. To make the little pink gingham designer paper piece. I used a sheet of my golden oldie 6x6 magnolias paper I cut a piece of it out with the die and then left it in there while I drew around the inside edge of the die with a pencil. I then cut along that pencil line and distressed the edges to get the perfect little matting piece on the card.

I also took some time to make her some little patchwork quilt pieces using the Gummiapan Hens Net die. I carefully lifted it out of my die cutting machine so the pieces stayed within the die so I could get my trusty thin black pen to draw the 'stitches' on. I love how it came out!!

And how sweet does the little Gummiapan Button Heart die look with a little thread through it as an accent on the tab part? 

Now, did you all get the Magnolia DooHickeyclub Volume 20 Magazine? ooooh, I so hope you did because it has the most beautiful little pair of scissors and a needle and thread die! they were just perfect for this make! I couldn't believe my luck when I saw them in the set!!!

I used a teeny little brad to put the scissors together and they look so sweet!!

Here is the needle in action too! I had super fun threading it!!

A repeat job of making the matting on some white card worked so nicely for the back of the card and I utilised a few more of those gorgeous little quilt pieces to dress up the corners.

Links to products I used:
Magnolia stamps Butterfly Dreams tag die (currently sold out)

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