
DAY 23: Little Snowy Calendar | By Céline and Nathalie

by - December 23, 2017


Here are Nathalie and Céline to share with you our cards made for Swedish House Crafts.
We hope you are ready to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. Read to the end to find our DT Christmas present to you!

As you know, every month we challenge ourselves to do two different cards using the same stuff:- same paper collection, same dies, same stamps, same embellies...
This month we have made a calendar and a card. You will see that they could make a perfect set (even without seeing what the other had made). You already saw a calendar made by our dear Tamara, you can see now a different way to make one.

Here is what we both used to create these two different looks:-

And now some close ups of our makes, to show you the details.

All products mentioned in this post are 5% off with the code OV2IQ9H99
This applies for all the Maja papers from the Joyous Winterdays collection (singles and pads) and everything else we used on our makes! This is an awesome offer!!!

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If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D