
DAY 21: I believe in Unicorns | By Tamara

by - December 21, 2017

Today I'm here with my latest Swedish House Crafts make and another little gift for you so make sure you read all the way to the end of the post. I absolutely love this Magnolia image! It's called Unicorn Tilda and she was released as part of  the "I believe in unicorns collection, 2017". On the inside of the card I used Unicorn with the text from the same release.

Both images were stamped using Tim Holtz - Stamping platform. There's a seperate post about it coming soon. I used Distress ink pads for colouring.

I tried this card design for the first time. It looks like an ordinary card, but when you open it up, the back part looks like a box. Inside it I added some clouds and Magnolia's Unicorn. 

Papers used are from Maja Design - Sofiero.

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