
DAY 10: Magnolia Calendar Kit 2017 + Free...

by - December 10, 2017

Two things to tell you about today..

first is the Calendar Kit...

Today the first day of the Calendar Kit, shutter opens. As we all know that they were delayed in delivery due to high pressure in this season. I have shipped everyone on Wednesday, UK crafters started receiving them from Thursday, but thinking about internationals, I am so sorry you are going to receive them starting next week. It is better late than never (I know, it doesn't help).

Well.. I have been receiving questions about if I have more Calendars and honestly I am keeping them safe !! if you find missing items I can quickly ship it. However, there is one left I am posting today to a lucky person who clicks and buys first. What's different with this one is the buyer will receive a free EZ-mount sheet.

Second is, every purchase made today will receive a 


It is all about love! Enjoy your Sunday! 

... and the snow in Manchester melted :) 

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  1. This says 61.00 and when I click on buy now, it says 81.00?

    1. Hi Mary,

      not sure what you see, but it is still £61 at my side of the screen, try this link:

      Hope it helps


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D