
DAY 18: Table Name Sweets Box | By Suha

by - December 18, 2017

Hi everyone, today we are counting down days to Christmas and the stress is taking over, right?

So much to do, we forget small details here and there until the last moment. I thought this time to share little crafty project with beautiful table gesture. I combined table name tag and little sweet invitation box. Remember that during this Advent Calendar, all items used have 5% discount, so you can visit back all the previous posts and pick your favourites with discounts as mentioned in the post. All discount codes are valid until the end of the year.

You can already scroll down to get this post's code too.

I used the Apple Box die, a new release from Gummiapan to make the box. I loved it when I assembled it, but actually it took me a bit to understand how to put it together without smashing the handles. Here is how it looks once put together.

If you notice there are two cuts above each other in the sides of the box. So hold the two sides fitted together while the handle is outside, then slide in the handle through the lower cut in both sides together. Now the handle is inside the box. Next, slide back the handle out from the above cut in both sides together. Now the handle is outside the box and looks marvellous.

Then I cut out the name tag using the paper die from Magnolia DooHickey Club Vol. 12, that is from last year's Christmas edition which in my opinion was one of the best releases. I stamped Merry Christmas from Gummiapan earlier release, but you can just write the name of your guest instead.

Then I pasted in the back, a little cardstock to connect the tag to the box, angled to show the name better.

Now the messy part comes when I prepared the flower arrangements! nightmare burning my fingers. I bet you guessed what I used. Why there isn't a hot glue but cold 😩?  Helllllo, inventors???!! Anyway.. once I got the arrangement I wanted, I toggled them together using the wires and then wrapped them with wide lace. Happy with the result actually.

Finally I attached the bouquet to the box and added some of the my favourite classics.

It is a good idea not only for Christmas, but also the New Year table, you can add a mini wine bottle for example if it is late evening dinner party. I bet this will impress your guests.

I hope this post has inspired you to get busy, if you are still not! this project took about a day to plan and 30 min (3 boxes)  to make excluding burning fingers time.

See you again another time as I dare not post when there are lots of fantastic makers in SHC design team! With this I leave you...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Get 5% discount on the following using O064VO79W at checkout.

Items used in this project:

Gummiapan Apple Box Die
Maja Design - Denim & Friends - Wood
Mixed Berries - Cream Pearl
Cherry Blossom - White Green
Paper Flowers - Antique White
Barley Stems - Milk White 
Paper Flowers - Striped Bright Red
Paper Flowers - Faded Vintage Coral

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