
DAY 1: Pion Design Legends Of The Sea Mixed Media Page | By Katie

by - December 01, 2017

Hi all
I have a new layout to share using stamps and dies by Gummiapan. 

Get 5 % off all these items on the website today, on all the items used on this project for the whole of December using this discount code PKQX6773KH

Links are below
Start off by applying gesso over the page and leave to dry. Next stamp over the page with the Worn Circles and Worn Net stamps. Apply a stencil mask using clear modelling paste and allow to set. 
Cut out three lots of the Integrated Circles Die from white card and then glue these to the page. Spritz the page with lime green and turquoise and let it run down the page.

Cut the blue wood effect paper up into strips and place them side by side and then crop the photo to fit.  Stamp along the bottom edges of the page and apply a stencil and inks.

Spritz some cheese cloth with ink and dry with a heat gun. Glue this around the photo and then glue a few clusters of glass glitter onto the page.

Add a few art stones and a title to finish

Thank you for visiting

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