
ATC HAPPY | By Sabrina

by - July 13, 2018

Hello, today I keep you company with the creation of my ATC Happy 1/1.
For those who do not know them: ATC is an acronym "Artistic Trading Cards" and they are real artisitic business cards !!!

ATCs must strictly comply with these characteristics:
- measurements: they must have a fixed size of 2.5 x 3.5 inches, that is, 64 x 89 mm
- can not be sold but only exchanged, there are different groups of sharing even on facebook ... and guess what ?? I decided to give my ATC to one of you, just comment on this post to be able to participate in the draw (the draw will take place by random and will be announced on July 28 at 22 (Italy time) on my facebook page
- on the back I had to be reported: title, serial number, date, author and if you want, your contact
The ATC can respect a theme, then a series of 3 ATC, for example, with a summer theme; and can be made with any technique or material ... in short, we can make the imagination fly!
Today I show you how I created my ATC Happy 1/1, ready? click on the video !!!

I used:
Summer - Happy Summer Tilda
Chipboard - Orchid Ornamented 2 Easter Eggs
Gummiapan Stamp - Worn Honeycomb
Gummiapan Stamp - A lot of Splats

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  1. Adorable!! Love TIlda, and ATC cards. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sabrina, and thanks so much for the video! I love watching tutorials. They give me the most inspiration.


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D