
Galaxy Tilda with XOXO By Lou

by - July 21, 2018

Morning everyone!

It's Lou in with a post for you today and I am sharing the card I have made for my amazing husband for our anniversary in a couple of weeks.

He loves Star Wars so Magnolia stamps Galaxy Tilda with XOXO was just the right stamp to go for and I love XOXO in her hand. The little heart spots on him just make me feel all warm and cosy inside!!

I had a teeny bit of Lou fun ripping the layers to add a little stitched twine detail in the corner, it just livens up the base layer a little when you are doing a fairly simple layout on your card. I tied the twine into a bow today too, sometime I leave the ends floating free but today was definitely a bow day!!

Just look how sweet Magnolia stamps Galaxy Tilda with XOXO looks a little closer in!! I stamped Tilda first and then masked her off to add the little moon from the Magnolia stamps Galaxy Moon, Star and Butterfly kit behind her. I love how it came out! You can see the glossy accents I added to little XOXO a little better on this photo. 

You can also see the heat embossing I did with the super sweet little stars stamp in the Magnolia stamps Galaxy Moon, Star and Butterfly kit. I heat embossed them with silver embossing powder and then added a lovely sprinkle of frantage embossing powder too. The last thing I did was go in with my distress inks and add a little colour to Tilda's galaxy!!

Lastly, it was time for a sentiment and for me, the 'You are a star' stamp from the Magnolia stamps Lovely emoji's You are a star kit was just perfect. My husband really is amazing, he has been such a massive support and help over the last 18 months of my cancer journey and I don't know what I would do without him, so 'You are a star' was just right! 

Links to products I have used:

I used the Gummiapan Old Paper dies and some Maja papers from my stash for this card too.

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