
USA Store Manager Inspiration | By Suha

by - June 01, 2019

Hi Everyone,

Here is a little story I want to share with you today, so grab your hot drink and continue reading. I rarely talk about or show myself, but this is critical and important for you who are interested in this opportunity and need to know who you are dealing with, Suha Hazboun.

As you may know, Swedish House Crafts was born in 2016, but actually I have been a crafter since 12 years ago. My style has always been different, harshly criticised but if you know me, you know for sure, I don't care what people say. So you are like that.

Since childhood, my teacher noticed my talent. Growing up, my life boat sailed across other seas. So once I landed in Sweden in 2007, I got my hands on what I thought will be my hobby. Never seemed to stopped me ever from running after what I thought "this is the end", nothing will stop me other than fate. So you think like that.

I have tons of ideas as in business and art, neither my hands nor my day & night hours are enough to fit them in. That doesn't mean I put them in garbage, rather, every idea has its time to bloom. The store idea, has been in mind since last year, fate played a roll delaying it, but I am back to it now. So you have tons of ideas too. 

I have been hunting new products and original artists and I could find good ones, but I am no longer getting in new brands, but making my own. Which means the USA store will be the only store alongside selling them in Europe and USA, of course I am not forgetting about Australia! Do you want a store there too? let's think about it. You see, I am sharing the plans, but I am happy no copycats can do this. So you are unique like this.

10 years ago, I foresaw that the digital evolution will play a major part in our lives and I decided that this is the right move, so I got a BA in digital design, this is simply designing what you see on  your screens, specialising in moving picture, my graduation project received was awarded and was purchased by local council because they thought it was useful and it proved itself. A year later I saw that Storytelling within digital media, simply tell a story and make it your happy hour on your mobile maybe. I got Masters for that. I was always working within the field as freelancer using online services. I got parts within teams, stand alone mini projects and the most important thing, as always has been, the IDEA. Because no matter how good your hands are, if you do not have the idea, you become a copycat. So you have the brain.

Money comes and goes. Who disagrees, was born with a gold diner table in his/her mouth. Once day I had a lot, but came back from work one day, all I saw, was broken stones and dust. So what? happened before. So when I started Swedish House Crafts, I had less than £500 in my pocket to invest. Just 6 months after opening, Hochanda contacted me thrilled about my products. Magazines followed and stores wanted a wholesale. It rained copycats (I know, 3rd time I say that, believe me, they are everywhere). This is 3rd year for Swedish House Crafts and already launching 2 own brands, one you already met "Hi Cookie" which is out in a couple of weeks and the other is still a secret! Moreover, SHC is going to CHA in January 2020, you'll be there with me probably. So you want to grow. 

You have to work to make your dream come true, otherwise you always will make someone else's dream come true. If you dare to work for others dreams to come true, then you can do your own. I believe in helping others grow, I am helping myself too. No one is big enough, we all grow, if are on the top and we can't grow more, we pop out and grow down. I hope I never reach the top and keep growing holding hands with the others to grow up together. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Says the African proverb. So you do hold hands and let me hold your hand.

Difficulties and problems never ends. There are always someone, out there, jealous from you and wish to be better, but not able to, so prefer to put you down instead. Well, not in my world. I have no tail to be dragged down from. I just keep going and growing. When I decide to stop, it is because I want to, and not because someone else wants me to. So you are unstoppable. 

I hope I inspired you a bit with this little talk. Sorry, I need to write a book if I am writing about my life... but this is not actually about me, it is about you. If you are like that - you are like me - let's do this together.

With love,

Suha Hazboun
Owner and Manager.

Link to USA Store Manager application


Swedish House Crafts is pleased to announce the wholesaler and retailer for Paper Nest Dolls in UK and Europe. For wholesale enquiries, please visit: If you have any questions please contact:

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