
Same but different - round 2 | By Nathalie and Céline

by - September 23, 2017


Here are Nathalie and Céline to share with you our cards made for Swedish House Crafts.
As you know, every month we challenge ourselves to do two different cards using the same stuff:- same paper collection, same dies, same stamps, same embellies...

Here's what we created this month.

Here is what we both used to create these two different looks:-

And now some close ups of our cards, to show you the details.

Products we used:-
Papers : neenah classic crest solar white, Maja design - Denim and Friends
Stamps : Magnolia Tilda with flower in her pocket
Dies : Nesting Stitched Rectanglesleaves, Lovely Umbrella, Pinwheel 3D,
Flowers : fabric die cut daisy blue

Thank you for stopping by today.

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