
Jolly Gummiapan Elephant | By Lou

by - February 03, 2018

Good Morning everyone!

I'm so happy to share this super sweet and jolly elephant stamp from the Gummiapan section in the shop. It is one of the most fun sets I have played with in a while! Just look how cute the elephant and his teeny mouse buddy are!! What's more it's on sale at Swedish House Crafts!!!!

Here's a closer look at the little mouse! I added a little glossy accent to his balloon, I love it!!!

I wanted to share a little tip with you for any stamps you may have that have kind of flimsy parts in them, but they have a matching die that needs to fit properly too, before you cut it out.

I place my rubber stamp on my work surface with the stamping side facing upwards. Then I lay my die over the top with the cutting blade facing upwards too (because that is the direction it will be facing when it cuts your stamped image out). 

Then I take my stamping platform or acrylic block and lay them down on it together and gently push the stamp down onto my stamping platform, taking care not to disturb its placement in the die. Once it is stuck down nicely to your stamping platform you can remove the die, ink up your stamp and stamp away as normal, safe in the knowledge that it will be perfectly placed when you come to cut it out with your die.

I decided to paper piece my elephant to add some extra fun to the card. I love paper piecing and this stamp set is perfect for it with those gorgeous bold ink lines. I stamped him onto a scrap of patterned paper from my bits box and then fussy cut him out with my scissors. Then all I needed was a little glue on my fully stamped image to adhere the patterned elephant over the top!! so much fun!!

I love how the little sentiment in the stamp set goes with the elephant being so big so nicely! It really makes the card come together!

For a little interest, I added a couple of little fishtail banners to the card too.

Thank you for taking a look at my make. This is just such a fun set and I can't wait to use the whale next!

Products I used-

Gummiapan Animal Kit sheet B.

Gummiapan Animal Kit B Matching Dies.

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