
#1SPECIANITY: Enjoy the Best and The Winner of First Giveaway

by - June 10, 2018

What a wonderful week it's been with warm weather still on, it did affect plants but still a precious sun and warmth tanned us pretty!

In this post you will know more about how some of the SHC design team made it. Also they are giving us valuable advice on what you need to know to become a design team member and maintain a balanced life. Further, I have picked some of my favourites from the submitted blogs and finally the WINNER of this week's GIVEAWAY. Let's start

Laurigami has started blogging only in 2013? Now she's part of the Besties Shabby Chic who will release their own magazine soon. She's one of the first DTs to join SHC but she's also with Paper Nest Dolls.

Her advice to you: "I thought at first that it was good to have a lot of DT's, but this is a mistake. As we meet deadlines so we are obliged to put a aside  family time to make our cards . I see full call DT but only 3 would happy if one day, I'm caught in their DT. I am proud to be part of the 3 DT's that I currently have. It can't be part of a DT only to have free products but we must already love the products beforehand and be proud to represent the brand"

Some of her favourite own makes:

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Donna has started blogging since 2012, she's been busy since with wonderful makes. She is published in Simply Cards & Papercrafts before joining SHC and Making Cards Magazines featuring SHC Roxstamps and Gummiapan. She's, like Laurigami, a pioneer to DT member for SHC.

Her advice you: "Work as a team and communicate with each other. Be respectful to other team members. Focus on what projects you are going to make every month in advance and ensure that your projects are in on time. Make an extra in case another team member is unable to reach the deadline."
These were featured in magazines:

Some of her favourite makes: 

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Lou has been a blogger the last 10 years! She know what should be done..When I asked her what is her favourite make ever, she said she loves them all, so hard to choose, but I would say, she is innovative and loves integrated and 3D cards.

She was published in few magazines: Simply Cards and Papercrafts, Die-Cutting Essentials and Making Cards Magazine, but she prefers to swing her wings and fly free in the craft world and landed finally on our twigs (did rhyme, ha!).
Well, Lou is not just with SHC, she is a lead DT at Tiddly Inks and Mo's Digital Pencil. She was a Lead DT for Saturated Canary before too, so she really knows how to advise you, take it and use it!

Her advice to you: "...DT peeps-Be prepared! Always look after your team mates, being on a DT is a magic thing but life happens too and you need to support each other through that. Enjoy making!"

She loves everything but I have chosen some of her works for us which are a bit different:


Now you know a bit about some of the team, this week there has been 12 blogs submitted, I am not sure I should say, thank God, that was less work for me or I say wow, you're not interested  to show off your work!! But at the end I remember it is sunny and lovely out! Let's hope for some rain then lol!

Thank you so much for those who left their blogs for the week, if you haven't visited them yet, here is the link to the Celebration Post.

It is hard to pick because most of those were different levels and everyone has a different style. But those I am showing here are ones I never met before and they have their own character. Here they are in random order:

Niharika Expressions:

Sounds like a specialist in scrapbooking albums. Her work is very clean finish. I loved it, thank you so much for sharing. She also videos them for us..,here is one of her makes that I liked: 

Laura is out in the Craft Shed:

Easy to spot her Magnolia spirit along the blog, but she's taking it to another level, check out her blog, the latest make of hers is wedding related and you'll love it. Nope not spoiling it, check it out for yourself, but here is her Get Well make for us:

Linda Simpson Designs:

So here is what you need to know... she's expert. Her video tutorials take you step by step, so don't miss them if you are looking for how, why, when and how again!! Linda has it all in her youtube channel and her blog. Here is one of her tutorials:

Honourable Mentions of the week!

WooHoo... Stars have popped in... guess who??!!

Suzi Mac


Diana DeeDee

Thank you so much Suzi and Diana for joining us!

If you don't know them, they are Magnolia icons and we are all their fans.


I used Google number generator, just write number generator in the search engine and this will come up as in the video which is screen recording actually. 

Number 4 is the winner:
You will receive a secret pack in your mail from Swedish House Crafts.
Please email your address to:
within 7 days to claim.

Last thing to say after this long post. I am so happy to see new blogs and faces. Encourage your friends to submit their blogs as that will help them to get seen too. 

If you'd like to join us, submit your link here.

See you next week with a new winner and some amazing makers!!! 

Cheers from Suha!

You can leave your links for next week too here:

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  1. Thank you so much for the honourable mention Suha, it is very much appreciated.
    Hugs Suzi x

  2. Oh my God, that's such an honour. Thank you so much for the mention ❤️ hugs...

  3. Thank you so much for mention me in your blog. ❤ I really hope I can do some more crafting in the next week.
    Very big hugs! XXX Diana

  4. Gorgeous makes and congrats to the lucky winner. Hugz

  5. wonderful makes x well done everyone x

  6. Wow! Thank you so much for featuring my blog, I am truly honored. On top of that, I am #4. Ha Ha! Thank you!!! All of the featured makes are gorgeous and I especially love the baby album made by Niharika. What a wonderful gift that would make for an incredibly luck recipient.

    1. Thank you so much Laura. I am so glad you liked it. Hugs... 😀


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D