
Loving Bridal Couple | By Lou

by - June 26, 2018

Hello everyone, It's Lou in with a post for you today and I've been having super fun playing with a criss cross card fold.

I love this fold because of the beautiful ways you can decorate the "card" you pull out of the criss cross pocket and the fun you can have decorating the outside of it. For this one, I used some simple lace from my stash and die cut the Gummiapan- Integrated Hearts die. Then I carefully cut away some of the hearts to leave me with the big heart and two smaller ones for decorating the centre.

Once I'd done that, I cut the Roxstamps special - Congrats die to pop on top of it. I cut it twice, once in my white cardstock and once in the kraft cardstock. I offset the kraft layer underneath when I glued them together to make a "shadow". Then I pressed the congrats into my Tsukineko Emboss Ink pad and covered them in ultra thick embossing powder. It looks so lovely IRL, I hope you can see from the photo.

For my Magnolia Stamps Wedding Collection- Loving Bridal Couple I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try some Distress ink colouring. I really enjoyed it. I need more practice but that's the whole fun of trying new things!!

Once I had coloured Tilda and Edwin and they were fully dry, I used my Tsukineko Emboss Ink pad with the Gummiapan- Worn Hearts stamp and randomly stamped them around the sides up to where I knew they would be hidden by the criss cross fold. Then I went over them with 2 different shades of gold perfect pearls dust. It is so shimmery but I cannot get that to show in the photo!!!

Then I popped my piece through my Bigshot using the beautiful Roxstamps- Curlicue Edge Decor die. I repeated that with a Kraft cardstock too and then slightly offset them at the top to make the "shadow" again. I also tied a tiny little twine bow and glued it to the centre.

I decorated my Criss Cross card fold with some of the stunning papers in the Pion Designs- Summer falls into autumn 6x6 collection. They are so pretty I almost didn't want to cut them!!!

Links to Products I used:

Link up here for your make for our June Celebration to be seen.


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  1. such a sweet card, I love the shape of the cross card xx


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