
#1SPECIANITY: Enjoy the Best and The Winner of Second Giveaway

by - June 17, 2018

It has been slow this week. I know we are enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. Well I know now we love the sun more than blogging now. But I am happy it rained yesterday because my plants were suffering the heat.

In this post you will know more about how some of the SHC design team made it. Also they are giving us valuable advice on what you need to know to become a design team member and maintain a balanced life.

Lynn has been blogging since 2009.  She's been published in various magazines over the years but more recent Craft Stamper Magazine twice this year already! Isn't that amazing?! 

She's been a DT on several companies before but now she's only with SHC. Lynn is our DT Team Leader and Coordinator. She prepares the schedule for all of us, makes sure we are on time, correct our language and trust me, she finds the mistakes! Sometimes we make her job impossible lol but still she tolerates us! 

Her advice to you: "As the DT Lead, I have the role to sometimes remind people for posts! Help you DT Lead and be ready with spare cards too.

You see what I mean? lol! Sorry Lynn, we are a pain sometimes!!

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 Liz has been blogging since 2009. She loves most working with foamiran at the moment, as you can do so many different flowers and creations with it. She was published in Making Cards Magazine before too. Currently she's on My Besties Shabby Chic but she has a history full of DT's. Liz is a pioneer DT member on SHC team and hoping years to come.

Her advice to you: "Be on time with your projects, good clear photography, help where you can, ask questions if you don't understand, usually the DT coordinator or owner plus other team members will help. B friendly and you will get a lot of joy being a member of the DT. Have fun!!!! lol!!"

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This week we still had little entries but I loved the makes! 

I loved Sharon's work even none of them are sold at SHC.. that doesn't affect my choice. I love many brands and I also buy from almost all shops and I hope you also do support other small business like us.

the numbers between 13 and 19 are the new entries for week 2.
I hope next week will be more bloggers to enter, since it's been raining a bit :).

Number 16 is the winner:
You will receive a secret pack in your mail from Swedish House Crafts.
Please email your address to:
within 7 days to claim.

Last thing to say after this long post. I am so happy to see new blogs and faces. Encourage your friends to submit their blogs as that will help them to get seen too. 

See you next week with a new winner and some amazing makers!!! 

Cheers from Suha!

You can leave your links for next week too here:

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  1. Congrats to the winner and thanks for sharing the DT tips. X

  2. Thank you so much for sharing my card. Loved the tips from the DT's.
    Hugs Sharon x

  3. well done to the winner xxx

  4. Thanks so much for picking my project as the lucky winner. Hugz


If you want to make someone happy today, what would you say? Leave a word to the team :D