
Sunday Times! Tammy's Album

by - March 11, 2018

Hi there folks! So excited to show off Tammy's Album! Not familiar with her work? This is an inspiration injection on a wonderful Sunday morning...

Message from Tammy: 

What a pleasure it is to share with you a 6 x 6 mini album. After many months of not creating many projects due to losing my mojo, I've finally returned with a creation I thoroughly enjoyed making. 

I'd  like to thank Tamara Potocnik who's a wonderfully talented lady who gave me such a lot of inspiration for this make. Her lovely tutorial can be find here.

I have stamped Tilda with Bunny Slippers on to extra smooth bristol board and coloured with Promarkers and poly pencils, blending with sansodor using paper stumps. I love mixing both mediums together, gives such a great finish. 

Tammy xx

Tammy didn't only used this lovely Tilda stamp: Tilda with Bunny Slippers but also it worked perfect with many other products on the market that we all love.

Thank you so much Tammy for sharing your album, it is stunning! We at SHC are very happy that Tamara could trigger your mojo so hard! lol!


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  1. Gorgeous!!! love the colours!
    Hugs, t.

    1. Thank you. A project that I really did enjoy making x

  2. Such a pretty album - just beautiful work.


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