
Shine Bright Shaker card with Gummiapan dies and stamp | By Lynn

by - March 03, 2018

Hello everyone, Lynn here today with a little tutorial on how I made this shaker card.

I've wanted to make a shaker card for ages, but was scared that my foam tape wouldn't be secure and I would end up with the shaker element escaping! Then I saw this video from Whimsical Card Studio where she uses foam sheets instead of tape. Here's my take on it.

Take a sheet of foam and arrange the dies where you want them to be positioned and cut out. 

Then take a piece of pearlescent card the same size as the foam and line up the dies also position where your sentiment stamp is going to be. I tried to cut the foam and card at the same time but I found it stretched the foam - so that is why I did the layers separately.

Once you have cut out the shapes stamp the sentiment onto the pearlescent card. Use the diamond dies to cut one of each in silver mirri card. Then insert them into pearlescent card, line up with the foam, insert the acetate between the layers and glue together. Trim if needed.

I then turned over the whole thing and partly filled with the sequins so that it shakes. Place the base card over the top.

You then have your completed shaker card.

Thanks for stopping by. My own personal blog can be found here at Crafty Linby.

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