
Lovely Gift Bags and Garden Lanterns | by Olga

by - June 28, 2017

Hello paper crafters,

I had a lot of fun playing with the Gift Box die by Gummiapan and exploring its opportunities. First of all I'd like to say that it's super quick and easy to assemble box: just one run through the machine (if you cut through 2 layers) and a tiny bit of glue to connect the 2 pieces. The closure is absolutely adhesive free!

Here are some treat bags that I have created with this die. The topper is a layered flower attached to a mini clothes pin:

But there are more things that this die can do. If you cut it out of plain white paper and die cut tiny windows on its sides and place a battery driven candle inside you will get some super pretty tea lights. And if you hang them on a string you'll get a set of lovely garden lanterns!

Watch the beginning to end video tutorial for the detailed explanation:

Thanks for visiting today, hope you enjoyed! Happy crafting!

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  1. Your gift bags are so pretty and elegant, Olga! Love the lantern idea too! :o)

  2. love pretty and elegant...
    clever lanterns too.


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